December 16, 2022
Cook Islands Māori is the official language of the Cook Islands. Here are a few basic phrases to get you started:
Kia orana - Hello
Meitaki - Thank you
E kare - Sorry
Koai to ingoa? - What is your name?
Ko toku ingoa ko [name] - My name is [name]
Peea koe? - How are you?
Tēnā koe - You (singular)
Tēnā koutou - You (plural)
Te pēea nei tō reo? - How is your language?
Pēea taau kēte? - How is your bag?
Ka aere ko ki ea? Where are you going?
It is also helpful to learn some basic words and phrases related to common objects and activities, such as "papa" (table), "tamaiti" (child), and "takaro" (play). There are many resources available online to help you learn more about Cook Islands Māori language and culture.
February 05, 2024